Kamis, 07 Juni 2012


Mixing the acid solution with an alkaline solution will produce salt and water. However, salt may be acidic, alkaline or neutral. Properties depend on the type of salt and acid components basanya. Salts can be formed from strong acids with strong bases, weak acids with strong bases, strong acids with weak bases or weak acids with weak bases. Thus, the acid-base properties of a salt can be determined from the strength of the acid and alkaline constituent. Nature of the acidity or alkalinity of the salt is caused by some soluble salts react with water. The process of partial dissolution of the salt reacts with water is called hydrolysis (hydro meaning water and lysis meaning decomposition).

A.           Salt of Strong Acid with Strong Bases
Strong acids and strong bases react to form salt and water. Cation and anion salts derived from strong electrolyte is not hydrolyzed, so that this solution is neutral, pH of the solution is equal to 7.
KCl solution comes from the strong base KOH ionized cation and anion perfect shape. KOH is ionized into H + and Cl - . Each ion does not react with water, the reaction can be written as follows.
KCl (aq)  K (aq) + Cl (aq)
(aq) + H 2 O (l) 
Cl (aq) + H 2 O (l) 

B.            Salts of Weak Bases with Strong Acids
Salts formed from strong acids with weak bases having partial hydrolysis (partial) in water. These salts contain cations are experiencing acid hydrolysis. This salt solution is acidic, pH <7.
Ammonium chloride (NH 4 Cl) is a salt formed from a strong acid, HCl in a weak base NH 3 . HCl will perfectly ionized into H + and Cl - while the NH 3 in the solution will partially ionized form NH + and OH - .Anion Cl - derived from strong acids can not be hydrolyzed, while the cation NH + derived from a weak base can be hydrolyzed.
NH 4 Cl (aq)  NH (aq) + Cl (aq)
Cl (aq) + H 2 O (l) 
NH (aq) + H 2 O (l)  NH 3 (aq) + H 3 O (aq)
Hydrolysis reaction of ammonium (NH + ) is an equilibrium reaction.This reaction produces oxonium ion (H 3 O + ) that is acidic (pH <7).In general the reaction is written:
BH + + H 2 O  B + H 3 O+

C.            Salts of Weak Acids with Strong Bases
Salts formed from a weak acid with strong base having a partial hydrolysis in water. This salt contains the anion alkaline hydrolysis experience. This salt solution is alkaline (pH> 7).
Sodium acetate (CH 3 COONa) is formed from a weak acid CH 3 COOH and a strong base NaOH. CH 3 COOH would form a partially ionized CH 3 COO - and Na + . Anion CH 3 COO - derived from a weak acid which can be hydrolyzed, while the cations Na + comes from a strong base that can not be hydrolysed.
CH 3 COONa (aq)  CH 3 COO (aq) + Na (aq)
Na (aq) + H 2 O (l) 
CH 3 COO (aq) + H 2 O (l)  CH 3 COOH (aq) + OH (aq)
Hydrolysis reaction of acetic acid (CH 3 COO - ) is an equilibrium reaction. This reaction produces OH ions - that is alkaline (pH> 7). In general the reaction is written:
- + H 2 O  HA + OH-

D.           Salt of Weak Acid with Weak Bases
Weak acids with weak bases to form salts of hydrolyzed total (perfect) in water. Both cations and anions can be hydrolyzed in water. This saline solution can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral. It depends on the strength of cation to anion ratio in the reaction with water.
A weak acid HCN is mixed with a weak base, NH 3 is formed salt NH 4CN. HCN partially ionized in water to form H + and CN - , while NH 3 in a partially ionized water to form NH4 + and OH-. Base anion CN - and acid cation NH + can be hydrolyzed in the water.
NH 4 CN (aq)  NH (aq) + CN (aq)
NH (aq) + H 2 O  NH 3 (aq) + H 3 O (aq)+
CN (aq) + H 2 O (e)  HCN (aq) + OH (aq)
The nature of the solution depends on the relative strength of acids and bases its constituent (Ka and Kb)
If Ka <Kb (weaker acid than in bases), the anion will be hydrolyzed and the solution more alkaline.
if Ka> Kb (stronger acid than in bases) then be hydrolyzed cations in solution more acidic.
Ka = Kb (as weak acid with a base) the solution is neutral.

1 komentar:

  1. What are examples of hydrolysis of concept of salt in life?
